Monday, July 14, 2014

First post - Meal planning

OK, I sat down today and made a meal plan.  It's taken me well over an hour and I'm going to catch some grief from my husband because all the meals I planned are vegan and gluten free.  I can see how that's not appealing at all and I that won't always be the case, but I'm so tired of cooking dinner that I can't eat, then trying to find something I can eat, failing and just ending up eating more hummus.  Do you have any idea how much hummus I consume?  Too much.  Anyway, I made a mealplan.  Here's what I got for dinners:

Lettuce wraps
Stuffed sweet potatoes
Quinoa salad with black beans, avocado and cilantro
Lentil and sweet potato shepherds pie
Mexican quinoa

vanilla chai pudding (I've never tried chai, but there's so much hype about it, I'm going to give it a try)
Pan seared oatmeal
cinnamon quinoa

Granola bars (I'm going to try introducing nuts this week and see how it goes)
roasted artichoke lemon hummus
chipotle hummus

I still really like hummus and it makes a great filling snack so I'm just going to try a couple different varieties.  There will also be plenty of fruits and veggies. 

I've had some preemptive talks with the kids about how we are going to start eating better.  Foods that are healthier for us that will make us stronger and faster and have more power.  Soren really likes the idea of being faster and more powerful, so I'm playing on that.  They really seem onboard and so far have been very good about it.  I'm surprised and pleased with their reaction.  We'll see how they react when I slap some lentil and sweet potatoes shepherds pie in front of them at the dinner table. 

I'm going to work on incorporating more whole grains into our diet as well, I'm just not sure how to do that yet.  I'm going to switch us from white rice to red, black, wild and if all else fails and I just can't put out the cash for the others, brown rice is still better than white.  I just bough a giant bag of jasmine rice, so we'll incorporate these things slowly.  I also saw a thing on pinterest quite a while back, I pinned it somewhere.  This lady would fill up her sink with water and vinegar (i'm not sure the ratio or type of vinegar, though it seems white or even apple cider would do well) and puts all her produce in there and soaks it for who knows how long.  It removes a lot of the pesticides and what not and the produce also keeps longer.  I would like to start doing that.  I also want to start grocery shopping weekly instead of every paycheck.  That's going to be hard since I'm terrible and making the money stretch and I hate grocery shopping, but I think meal planning at first is going to be easier to do for a weeks worth of meals rather than half a months.  Plus fresh ingredients and what not and I almost always run out of all produce other than carrots and apples after the first week. 

Oh, this is going to be a challenge. 

The other thing I want to do, maybe next week sometime is the weeks worth of lunches for the freezer.  I'll see what I can find for recipes and you should too.  Report back and we'll make a plan. 

What say you? 


  1. Say I, "Go Dani, Go!!!"

    When I started doing weight watchers back in April, or somewhere thereabouts, I switched from bi-weekly shoppig to weekly because I was eating so much more fresh food. It took a little while to make the adjustment and I think overall I am probably spending a little more too, but I have also been buying WAY better food. I have slacked in recent weeks but want to get back to that.

    I am very impressed with your rigorous plan and while I am not sure I am going to go gluten free, I am an board the rest of the way. Also, I really like the freezer meal ideas and would like to make some family sized ones for dinners as well as lunches.

    1. Oh, yes, frozen family dinners. Also a great idea. Let's brainstorm on the blog and plan a day next week to shop and prepare.

  2. Loved your meal plan....dying to know if you made the roasted artichoke lemon hummus and if it was good. I don't think I can do gluten free because I love love love my good, heavy whole wheat bread too much, but I'm working on getting all the white carbs out of our diet right now. I think that will help. Thanks so much for inviting me in to the "inner circle!" I'm going to check out all your posts. Also, how do I find you on pinterest? I tried several variations of your name but no luck... Keep up the good work!
